A Library of Resources for Helping Professionals.

The TEND Toolkit is a searchable database of tools, strategies, and education to support helping professionals working in complex workplaces.


A Library of Tools for Helping Professionals.


The TEND Toolkit is a searchable database of resources, strategies, and education to support helping professionals working in complex workplaces.

Who is TEND?

TEND provides education and consulting to complex workplaces. Since 2002, our team of experienced professionals from the fields of mental health, organizational health, and resilience integration have trained thousands of helping professionals around the world.


What’s in the Toolkit?


Best practices to manage before, during, and after difficult work.


Learn from leaders in the fields of burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and organizational health.


Hundreds of recommended resources for further learning.


Resources to Access


Topics to Search


Hours of Videos


Simple is good. Simple doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. Practicing simple strategies throughout your day, practicing them, can make a big difference. Small and often is the key.

— Diana Tikasz, MSW, RSW, Organizational Health & Resiliency Specialist


I haven’t hesitated to shamelessly steal a lot of the content and material I’ve gotten from TEND. Their monthly material has been spot-on for the needs and concerns that front line staff are dealing with every day.

— Alan O’Malley-Laursen, Employee Resiliency Specialist, Olmstead County, Minnesota

Access New Courses with the Toolkit


Compassion Fatigue 101: On-Demand Course

Repeated and chronic exposure to large volumes of difficult stories can erode our sense of empathy for others. In this on-demand course, we will explore the "costs of caring" and learn strategies to identify and address compassion fatigue.

How Challenging Work Changes Us: On-Demand Course

What can we learn from those who retain their compassion and their health in the face of demanding work? In this on-demand course, Francoise Mathieu explores the impact of trauma-exposed work and offers insight, strategies, and tools to help you sustain a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Staying Grounded in Stressful Work: On-Demand Course

The pace and competing demands of the modern workplace have left many of us operating in constant stress and overdrive. This on-demand course explores essential strategies to stay grounded and centered.

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For Everyone


Book Recommendations

Selected Videos

Downloadable TEND Strategies including Low Impact Debriefing and more

$99 / year

For Subscribers

Full access to all tools in the library

Video guides for the TEND Strategies

Past Psychological PPE Program Content

CARE4YOU Conference Recordings

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Want access for your team? Contact us for group rates.