Category Archives: CARE4YOU

Teaching What I Need to Learn

A Discussion with Scott Jones, Police Officer & Yoga Instructor

In this CARE4YOU 2022 session, Scott Jones shares the story of his wellness journey and how yoga has helped him as he reflects on his 30-year career in the Edmonton Police Services.

June 2022

Growing the Good

Using the Principles of Neuroplasticity to HEAL

Based on the work of Dr. Rick Hanson, Diana Tikasz explores a simple tool to turn positive experiences into lasting change in this CARE4YOU 2022 session.

June 2022

Are You Okay?

Processing the Psychological Impact of the Pandemic

In this opening keynote for CARE4YOU 2022, Françoise Mathieu explores post-traumatic growth, how it has been misunderstood and misused, and offer strategies to process and recalibrate.

June 2022

Now What?

A Conversation About Moving Into The "Next Normal"

In this closing session for CARE4YOU 2021, Françoise Mathieu shares lessons learned during the pandemic, and how we can continue to care for ourselves as the pandemic recedes.

June 2021

Race and Culture Have Everything to Do With It

Intersections of Secondary Traumatic Stress with Racism, Historical Trauma, and other Systems of Oppression

In this CARE4YOU 2021 session, Sandra Chase, Alison Hendricks, and Carmen Rosa Noroña explore how secondary traumatic stress intersects with culture, racism, historical trauma, and other systems of oppression.

June 2021

Caring for Ourselves

Understanding Meaning and Grief

In this CARE4YOU 2021 session, David Kessler and Denise Jablonski-Kaye talk about the many faces of grief and share strategies to address "grief overload."

June 2021

Less Time, More Work

How Three Professionals Re-evaluated "Wellness Strategies" During the Pandemic

In this CARE4YOU 2021 session, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz, and Dr. Jennifer Russel share how they incorporate micro-skills into their personal and professional lives.

June 2021

How Are You Doing?

Caring For Ourselves and Each Other During Unsettled Times

In this opening keynote for CARE4YOU 2021, Françoise shares lessons learned during the pandemic, and how we can continue to care for ourselves as the pandemic recedes.

June 2021

This is A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Dealing with Stress & Uncertainty During COVID-19

In this opening keynote for CARE4YOU 2020, Françoise Mathieu reflects on thinking clearly and balancing personal stressors, the work at hand, and the unpredictability of the pandemic.

June 2020

Change & Leadership During Times of Uncertainty

CARE4YOU 2020 Panel Discussion

How do we educate, share, and inform others that change is necessary? In this closing session for CARE4YOU 2020, our panel discusses the challenges of leadership (both formal and informal) during times of uncertainty.

June 2020

Don’t Set Yourself on Fire to Keep Others Warm

Countering the Self-Sabotaging Mindsets of Helping Professionals

Do we need to suffer to do our jobs well? In this CARE4YOU 2020 session, John Borthwick discusses running on fumes and forging a healthy mindset for a lifelong career.

June 2020

Relationship-Centered Care is Better Care

The Importance of Incorporating Cultural Humility in Our Work

We know that a one-size-fits-all approach to care is ineffective but becoming culturally competent can feel like an impossible task. In this CARE4YOU 2020 session, Donna Shanor explores how culture can influence experiences of trauma.

June 2020

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