Category Archives: Communities of Practice


Building Mutual Support through Intentional Listening

In this CARE4YOU 2023 session, Diana Tikasz explores the acronym CALM (Center, Attend, Listen, Mindfully) – four steps to fostering meaningful and intentional connection at work.

June 2023

Repair in the Workplace

Moving Away from Blaming and Shaming

Staff shortages, exhausted people, and unaddressed conflict are just a few of the complex challenges facing organizations. In this discussion, Françoise Mathieu, Diana TIkasz, and Dr. Jennifer Russel explore the importance of repair work and why it needs to happen before workplaces can move forward.

July 2022

Who Will Lovingly Hold You Accountable?

Closing Address for CARE4YOU 2022

Finding those who care for us and support us is a vital piece of staying well. In this closing address for CARE4YOU 2022, Françoise Mathieu shares strategies to build a community of support.

June 2022

Now What?

A Conversation About Moving Into The "Next Normal"

In this closing session for CARE4YOU 2021, Françoise Mathieu shares lessons learned during the pandemic, and how we can continue to care for ourselves as the pandemic recedes.

June 2021

Connection, Connection, Connection

A Conversation About Relationships with Greg Taylor

Greg Taylor is the Counselling Coordinator and Mental Health Case Manager at Georgian College and a relationship therapist. In this conversation, he shares his lessons learned about building and maintaining meaningful relationships.

April 2021

Hot Walk & Talk

Understanding the Role of the Listener

Diana Tikasz explores the steps of the Hot Walk & Talk with an emphasis on the role of the listener.

February 2021

It’s Not Taboo to Care

A Conversation About Peer Support and Mental Health

LCol (retired) Stéphane Grenier is a former Canadian military officer, and founder and lead innovator at Mental Health Innovations (MHI). In this conversation, he shares his lessons learned about supporting mental health in the workplace and strategies for creating peer support programs.

February 2021

It Takes a (Physically Distant) Village

Creating your Professional Community of Support

The pandemic changed the way that we connect with friends, family, and colleagues. In this discussion, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz. and Dr. Jennifer Russel consider the importance of creating formal and informal peer support networks.

February 2021

Creating a Professional Community of Support

It Takes a (Physically Distant) Village Q&A

In this discussion, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz. and Dr. Jennifer Russel answer questions about discuss building support networks in the absence of strong leadership, vulnerability in the face of poor trust, and communities of support for remote work.

February 2021

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