Compassion Fatigue 101: On-Demand Course

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Welcome to Compassion Fatigue 101

In this online course, you will explore the essentials of compassion fatigue – a normal consequence of working in a helping field.

After taking this course, you will:

  • Understand the difference between compassion fatigue, secondary trauma, and burnout
  • Learn what professions are at-risk for developing these “occupational hazards”
  • Assess your own level of compassion fatigue
  • And develop strategies to help you reduce your level of stress.

2021 Update

This course was updated in 2021 to incorporate advancements in the field of compassion fatigue research. New content includes:

  • Additional reading materials associated with each chapter
  • A new interactive assessment tool based on the Venn Diagram
  • A new interview with Françoise Mathieu, the course instructor

This content is only available
through a TEND Toolkit subscription.

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