The Window of Tolerance

The Window of Tolerance

The Window of Tolerance is a useful tool for noticing, monitoring, and communicating the normal “ups and downs” of our emotions.

What is the Window of Tolerance?

The Window of Tolerance illustrates an emotional band of arousal. In the middle of the band is the “sweet spot” where we are the best versions of ourselves.

Throughout our day, we may move up towards hyperarousal reactions (such as anger or agitation) or down towards hypoarousal reactions (such as numbness or helplessness).

This framework is a helpful tool to notice when we have become dysregulated and use strategies to return to our “sweet spot.”

The Window of Tolerance framework was developed by Dr. Dan Siegel and adapted by Pat Ogdon and Kekuni Minton.

Video Resources

In this 8-part video series, Diana Tikasz explains each element of the Window of Tolerance and shares best practices for using this strategy with teams.

Understanding the Window of Tolerance

Sweet Spot

The Sweet Spot

In the middle of the window is the “sweet spot.” This is where we are the best version of ourselves. When we are in our sweet spot, we feel calm, alert, engaged, and present.



The top band of the window represents hyperarousal reactions. In this band, we may feel anxious, frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed. These reactions are indicative of the fight or flight response.



The bottom band of the window represents hyporarousal reactions. In this band, we may feel passive, depressed, helpless, or numb. These reactions are indicative of the “freeze” response.

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