Category Archives: Micro-Skills

I’ve Noticed a Boundary Breach – Now What?

Reflection Exercise on Boundaries

Diana Tikasz explores reflection questions to help negative the aftermath of a boundary breach.

June 2021

Less Time, More Work

How Three Professionals Re-evaluated "Wellness Strategies" During the Pandemic

In this CARE4YOU 2021 session, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz, and Dr. Jennifer Russel share how they incorporate micro-skills into their personal and professional lives.

June 2021

What is the Story I’m Telling Myself?

Reflection Exercise on Imposter Syndrome

Diana Tikasz explores a series of reflection questions regarding impostor syndrome and the impact of negative inner dialogue.

May 2021

The Balance Map

A Strategy to Take Stock

Françoise Mathieu outlines a tool to take stock and bring more balance to your professional and personal lives.

January 2021

Taking Stock & Pausing

Protecting Our Psychological Health and Well-Being

Psychological PPE is designed to protect us during exposure to high-stress situations. In this discussion, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz. and Dr. Jennifer Russel explore strategies for taking stock and pausing throughout the work day,

November 2020

How Are You Managing Your Day-to-Day Stress?

Taking Stock & Pausing Q&A

In this discussion, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz. and Dr. Jennifer Russel answer questions about barriers to taking stock, encouraging loved ones to use helpful strategies, and tips for pausing during busy days.

November 2020

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