Digital Detox

Minimize Screen Time and Unplug

Digital Detox

Minimize Screen Time and Unplug

About the Video

Are you feeling worn-out by the unrelenting pace of media? Over the past few weeks, communities in Canada and Eastern Europe have been experiencing intense political situations. Regardless of how relevant these situations are for you, many of us are exhausted by the news and social media.

In this discussion, Françoise Mathieu, Diana Tikasz, and Dr. Jennifer Russel explore strategies for minimizing screen time and detoxing from online media.

Recorded in February 2022 as part of the Psychological PPE Program.

About the Presenters

Françoise Mathieu
M. Ed, RP

Françoise Mathieu is an educator, speaker, and trauma-trained therapist. She is the author of The Compassion Fatigue Workbook, founding member of the Secondary Traumatic Stress Consortium, and the Executive Director of TEND.

Diana Tikasz

Diana Tikasz has worked in the teaching and health care sector for over 30 years and specializes in trauma-focused work. She is a TEND Associate and Organizational Health Specialist for the Roadmap to Organizational Health program.

Dr. Jennifer Russel

Dr. Jennifer Russel is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and a TEND Associate. She is the Clinical Director of the Compass Program at BCCH, the first provider support program in Canada, and the Consulting Psychiatrist for the Physician Health Program in BC.

Where to go next?

Managing Media Exposure

Downloadable Infographic

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A World Without Email

Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload

In this book. Cal Newport discusses the dangers of an inbox-driven workday and shares strategies for improving communication strategies to increase cognitive bandwidth.

March 2021


The Multitasking Experiment

Healthy Habits Micro-Skill

Diana Tikasz explores the myth of multitasking, switch-tasking, and the negative implications of constant interruptions.

April 2021


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