Compassion as a Catalyst for Change

The Leader’s Role in Addressing Burnout

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Where to go next?


Building Mutual Support through Intentional Listening

In this CARE4YOU 2023 session, Diana Tikasz explores the acronym CALM (Center, Attend, Listen, Mindfully) – four steps to fostering meaningful and intentional connection at work.

June 2023


Contributing Factors

Identifying Work-Related Stress

This model can help you to identify sources of work-related stress that may lead to burnout, secondary traumatic stress, empathic strain, or moral distress.

February 2023


Are You Okay?

Processing the Psychological Impact of the Pandemic

In this opening keynote for CARE4YOU 2022, Françoise Mathieu explores post-traumatic growth, how it has been misunderstood and misused, and offer strategies to process and recalibrate.

June 2022


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