Embarking on Your Trauma-Informed Journey

Tips & Insights for Organizations

Embarking on Your Trauma-Informed Journey

Tips & Insights for Organizations

About the Video

As helping professionals, we can easily understand the “why” of trauma-informed practice: we recognize that safety, trust, and collaboration are essential for providing compassionate care; we’ve seen how trauma changes the way people engage with the world; and we’ve helped others navigate a complex path to healing and recovery. When it comes to trauma-informed service delivery, it is often the “how” that is murky: How do we move from abstract ideal to practical application? Where do we even begin? How do we transform a system that may be pathologizing, discriminatory, revictimizing?

While there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach, there are guideposts that we can use to navigate towards our trauma-informed destination. In this session, Kathleen Gorman, a long-time advocate for trauma-informed service delivery, will explore what trauma-informed practice is and share key considerations for organizations embarking on a trauma-informed journey.

Recorded in June 2024 as part of the CARE4YOU Conference

About the Presenters

Kathleen Gorman Headshot

Kathleen Gorman

Kathleen Gorman is a certified trauma treatment specialist (CTTS), Somatic Experiencing® (SE) Practitioner, and a TEND Associate.

Where to go next?

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