Reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress

Skills for Sustaining a Career in the Helping Professions

Reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress

Skills for Sustaining a Career in the Helping Professions

Brian C. Miller, Ph.D.

About the Book

Reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress presents a model for supporting emotional well-being in workers who are exposed to the effects of secondary trauma. The book provides helping professionals with a portfolio of skills that supports emotion regulation and recovery from secondary trauma exposure and also that enhances the experience of the helping encounter.

Each chapter presents evidence-informed skills that allow readers to regulate distressing emotions and to foster increased empathy for those suffering from trauma. Reducing Secondary Traumatic Stress goes beyond the usual discussion of burnout to talk in specific terms about what we do about the very real stress that is produced by this work.

About the Author

Brian C. Miller, PhD, has experience in a variety of behavioral health direct practice, clinical leadership, and policy roles. He holds a PhD from Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio.

Where to go next?

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A Conversation About Career-Sustaining Practices with Dr. Brian Miller

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October 2021


Trauma Stewardship

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