Resilience, Balance & Meaning
Resilience, Balance & Meaning
Supporting Our Lives and Our Work in High Stress, Trauma-Exposed Workplaces
About the Book
Resilience, Balance & Meaning provides practical help in addressing the effects of workplace stress, burnout, and trauma. Filled with questionnaires, self-reflection exercises, and self-assessments, this workbook will guide you through the steps of creating your own personal wellness plan.
- Section 1: Introduction and orientation to the issues of workplace stress in trauma-exposed work – what it is, how it works and what helps.
- Section 2: Determine your risk and resiliency profile, self-care status and stress-symptom profile.
- Section 3: Build a wellness plan for both your personal and professional life.
About the Author
Dr. Patricia Fisher is a Senior Advisor and Co-founder of TEND. As a clinical psychologist and specialist in organizational health and workplace wellness in trauma-exposed workplaces, she develops research-based training programs, assessment tools and solutions for trauma-exposed workplaces.