From Education to Integration

Weaving Staff Wellness into the Fabric of Your Workplace

From Education to Integration

Weaving Staff Wellness into the Fabric of Your Workplace

About the Video

Have you ever hosted an informative and motivational training for your staff – only for those lessons learned to dissipate one, two, three weeks later? As leaders, managers, and wellness advocates, we care deeply about the well-being of our people and hope to provide tools and resources to help them stay well. Yet, despite our best efforts, sometimes those initiatives fizzle out – or worse, are unattended, disregarded, and forgotten. When it comes to sustainable staff wellness initiatives, how do we move from education to integration?

Cambria Walsh, Diana Tikasz, & Marlene O’Neill-Laberge are Organizational Health Specialists providing consultation to trauma-exposed organizations as part of the TEND Roadmap to Organizational Health Program. In this discussion, they share what they’ve learned about staff wellness initiatives and what it takes to embed those initiatives into the workplace routine. They’ll explore the importance of psychological safety (and how to create it), the role of the wellness committees (and how to build them), and they will share their top recommendations of tools and resources for improving organizational health.

Recorded in June 2024 as part of the CARE4YOU Conference

About the Presenters

Cambria Walsh

Cambria Walsh has been working in the field of child abuse and trauma for the past 20 years. She is a TEND Associate and Organizational Health Specialist for the Roadmap to Organizational Health program.

Diana Tikasz

Diana Tikasz has worked in the teaching and healthcare sector for over 30 years specializing in trauma-focused work. She is a TEND Associate and Organizational Health Specialist for the Roadmap to Organizational Health program.

Marlene O’Neill-Laberge

Marlene is an accomplished Child and Family Therapist and Organizational Health Specialist and has worked in a variety of settings, including healthcare, child welfare, child advocacy, and community mental health. She is an Organizational Health Specialist and manager of the TEND Roadmap to Organizational Health program.

Where to go next?

Embarking on Your Trauma-Informed Journey

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Low Impact Debriefing

Four Steps to Safely Share and Process Difficult Experiences

This strategy allows us to share and process difficult stories and images while preventing sliming and unnecessary secondary trauma exposure.

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