“The Other Wet Floor”

The Emotional Risks of Working in a Helping Profession

“The Other Wet Floor”

The Emotional Risks of Working in a Helping Profession

About the Video

Workplaces are diligent about mitigating the risks of physical injury to their people. Hazardous material protocols, emergency preparedness plans, and personal protective equipment (PPE) are provided to ensure an accident-free workplace. Yet, when it comes to psychological well-being, there are often fewer precautions. It is often the ‘other wet floor’—the overlooked emotional hazards of working in a helping profession —that frequently trips us up, leading to injuries that compromise our well-being.

The good news is that you don’t have to choose between the career you love and your own wellness. In this session, JD Gilmour explores the “other” occupational risks of working in a helping profession.

Recorded in June 2024 as part of the CARE4YOU Conference

About the Presenter

JD Gilmour

JD Gilmour is the Manager of Employee Abilities and Return to Work for Health PEI, where he focuses on Employee Wellness, Return to Work, Retention and Disability Prevention for over 6,500 employees.

Contact JD at jdworkingwell@gmail.com

Where to go next?

The Pace of Change

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Low Impact Debriefing

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Contributing Factors

Identifying Work-Related Stress

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